Pocket folding machine with latest technology
With 4, 6, 8 and 10 folding pockets per station, with knife folding unit EK 300.

Technical features

  • Due to a construction set system it is possible to install this combination in each variation
  • The machine is also available with flat pile feeder or SAF-suction feeder if requested or if you would like to install a glueing unit
  • Automatical suction drum feeder for paper of 30 - 180 g/qm
  • Difficult kind of structure
  • Solid knife shafts
  • Available with 4, 6, 8 and 10 folding pockets
  • Noiseless drive which can be adjusted directly
  • Highest duration capacity by taking the sheet from the bottom
  • Combined folding rollers with synthetic rings which can be exchanged
  • Smallest folding 15mm
  • New roller table for small formats
  • Special division of folding pockets - changeable
  • Difficult kind of structure and a storage of precision and slide of the folding rollers guarantee highest exactness with the foldings

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